Tuesday, January 16, 2007

EU Charter of misunderstanding Muslims

Those who, like our prime minister, want to engineer a so-called "moderate" Islam probably look with admiration to Sam Solomon's "A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding" published in December 2006 with a foreword by UK Independence Party MEP Gerard Batten (but without featuring an impressum or stating a publisher or printer as normally required by law for publications in the UK). An colleague of Mr Batten, Ashley Mote MEP, sent a copy to the Islamic Party of Britain for comment, informing that the document had been launched in the European Parliament. To save other politicians wanting to follow suite from embarrassment (the old saying applies that it is better to keep you mouth shut and give the semblance of intelligence than to open it and remove all doubt), I am reproducing my reply on behalf of the Islamic Party of Britain.

Dear Mr Mote,

may I first thank you for affording us the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding you sent us; an open and frank discussion and exchange of ideas is the best way to achieve mutual understanding even if, in the end, we may only agree to differ.

Sam Solomon's proposed charter of Muslim understanding is quite extraordinary both in its content and, maybe even more so, in its very existence. The European Parliament purports to represent the people of Europe (via their member states) irrespective of their religious or ideological beliefs. That the parliament should be asked to enter into a separate agreement with a sub-section of its own constituents appears unprecedented. Is there also going to be a charter of Catholic understanding, Protestant understanding, Jewish understanding, Humanist understanding, Atheist understanding, Hindu understanding, Sikh understanding, Scientologist understanding etc. etc.? Or is the very belief in Islam as a religion considered so outlandish to Europe that Muslim constituents are to be treated as a separate and outside entity apart from the rest of the citizens of Europe?

It is on the basis of this aberration that we could not support such a charter even if the content was agreeable. In his foreword to the charter Gerard Batten MEP is trying to differentiate between fundamentalist and moderate Muslims, a very common attempt amongst politicians today, although those terms are meaningless simplifications given the complexity of any religious or ideological belonging. There is no doubt that amongst the citizens of any nation there are people who might not agree with all or some of the principles upon which the respective nation is built. There will also be people with divided loyalties. However, this is not a Muslim phenomenon. The UK Independence Party to which Mr Batten belongs, for example, has members in the European Parliament whilst at the same time being in disagreement with the various treaties and the legal framework upon which the European Union is built. Such is the nature of democracy.

Of course, people like Mr Batten or Mr Solomon might want to differentiate between a mere disagreement of ideas and the so-called threat of violence and terrorism eminating from "fundamentalist" Islam. We reject indiscriminate violence and terrorism, but we cannot accept that they are a particular Muslim phenomenon. Rather they are the weapon of choice for the powerless objecting to political oppression and can therefore only be resolved by political means. Our government recognised this in the case of Irish terrorism which mainly abated once a political settlement of grievances was in sight. Our government's involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq or unashamed partisan support for Israel in her quest to dominate the region through aggression against her Palestinian or Lebanese neighbours, on the other hand, is fuelling international terrorism.

At no time in the history of "the Troubles", however, has there been the suggestion that there ought to be a charter of Catholic understanding - since Irish Republicans confess Catholicism - or of Jewish understanding - since many Jewish citizens in the UK have dual nationality and loyalty and are even reservists in the Israeli Defence Force. Had such a charter, "allowing" - to paraphrase Batten - "Catholics/Jews from all strands of belief to make it plain that they reject those extremist interpretations of their religious texts that promote or excuse violence and bring Catholicism/Judaism into conflict with the modern world" been proposed, the Catholic Church or the Jewish Board of Deputies would rightly have rejected it as inappropriate.

Having hereby rejected the very notion of such an endeavour, I will still comment on some of the rather presumptious proposals contained in the charter document, for many secular politicians these days seem to arrogantly want to redefine religious beliefs for their own convenience. In his introduction Mr Solomon suggests that Muslim leaders should agree that anybody deviating from the path of his charter should be outcast from the religion of Islam as a non-Muslim heretic. Islam does not have a hierarchical church structure and does not afford anybody the right to give such an undertaking.

Mr Solomon would do well to at least study the religion of Islam before wanting to mandate the behaviour of its scholars. His demand for them to issue specific fatwahs is as presumptious as if he were to tell the Pope which edict to pass next. A fatwah or religious edict in Islam is not the mere expression of an opinion by an individual or a group, it is a well researched and referenced argument requiring the same level of scrutiny of source texts and precedents as a judgment passed in a court of law. In article 1 of his charter Mr Solomon demands the issuance of a fatwah prohibiting the use of force and violence against non-Muslim and in article 5 he demands that the notion and all teachings of violent physical Jihad be "regarded as invalid, inappropriate and irrelevant" and "hence inapplicable". Article 51 of the UN Charter, on the other hand, states that "nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations". What Mr Solomon is, therefore, effectively saying is that Muslims or Muslims nations should voluntarily surrender the rights afforded to them by the UN Charter. Whether Mr Batten or Mr Solomon like it or not, the Palestinian uprising is a legitimate expression of self-defence sanctioned under international law as long as Israel is in illegal occupation of Palestinian land. A similar case could be made with respect to many other conflicts in the world, yet here we are told that any Muslim supporting and defending such a right of self-defence should be excommunicated.

Moreover, Mr Solomon now also wants to play God by asking Muslim leaders to agree that "all Qur'anic Jihad verses encouraging physical violence, whether implicit or explicit, or any other quotations from the any Islamic source, be that Sunnah or the sayings of the Prophet or that of the learned scholars ... are to be regarded as inapplicable, invalid and non- Islamic; All Qur'anic verses that COULD (my emphasis) be of inciting nature religiously, ethnically or discriminatory in regard to gender are just historical and will be regarded as non-effective for today's world; These verses will be either deferred or suspended until such time as scholars find a solution for their interpretation." Here is Chutzpah par excellence. The only missing ingredient is that Mr Solomon might want to be appointed to Chief Mufti of all European Muslims and put in charge of a new revised edition of the Qur'an acceptable to his taste.

After asking for a commitment in article 7 to fully cooperate in spying on their co-religionist by watching and monitoring mosque sermons and other mosque teaching programmes for messages not in accordance with this Charter, monitoring all publications, and reporting on any secret and suspicious gatherings of youths, Mr Solomon treats us in article 10 to three pages of Qur'an verses which he would want to have revised or rendered invalid, hastening to add that the list is not exclusive. Amongst those verses are even some which declare the belief in the trinity to be mistaken, which makes me think that the Spanish Inquisition was a lot more honest than Mr Solomon's pretense at reaching an understanding; at least they spelled it out that conversion to Christianity was the only option available to Muslims in Europe.

Dear Mr. Mote, the above cursory points might not be the response you were hoping for. It is a sign of the immaturity of debate and irrationality of approach by those wishing that Islam as a serious proposition within Europe would simply go away that such half-baked proposals even have to be discussed. I am sure that anybody proposing a charter suggesting that the European parliament legislate on the interpretation of the Talmud or the New Testament would be made a laughing stock rather than be given a serious rebuff by the Christian Churches or the Rabbinical authorities. I have endured the ignorant assumptions and presumptious insults emerging from the pages of Mr Solomon's charter and given them my attention only because I am all too painfully aware how little he and others like him know about the subject on which they speak. If there is to be more understanding between European citizens of different religious and ideological persuasions, maybe the first step should be to facilitate the education of European citizenry about what adherents to those religions or secular belief systems actually believe in. This would be a vastly more rewarding exercise than the current scare-mongering polemics against a sub-section of people within the countries of Europe, of which the document you asked us to comment on is a prime example.

Yours sincerely,
Dr Sahib M Bleher
general secretary
Islamic Party of Britain


At 17 January 2007 at 20:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings Mustaquim,

Who the heck is Sam Solomon?

The name alone sounds Jew-ish and if he is, he gives the game away, not that we are not aware that this attack on Christianity and Islam is being fermented by those who would hide behind Judaism and its supposed religiosity, yet cleave unto the strange teachings of the Talmud/Zohar.

I think there is panic within their ranks, as this "Holocaust" story cannot be maintained and this story holds much weight and great cover for their ambitions, hence they seek all manner of distraction and ie clerics strategically being filmed and delivered up for the consumption of the rabble roused.

My television has broken down pre Christmas and i haven't been bothered to repair it, prefering to do some reading, so i have no idea who this new fellow is, but it does remind me of that Nick Griffin, who strategically has himself filmed, ideal for government propaganda value.

Perhaps this Charter from nowhere, meaning nothing, is a result of the Euro Right wingers voice, or an anticipation that Germanys presidency of the EU and their ludicrous "Holocaust" law, will be rejected with gusto, only having succeeded in bringing attention to the anomalys of the official story they would like hidden and the ridiculous idea that one can imprison people for thought of ideas.

I do have a habit of rambling, so i'll ask again, as i did a google to find out who this fella Solomon was and guess what?

Who the heck is Sam Solomon?

At 19 January 2007 at 09:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have endured the ignorant assumptions and presumptious insults emerging from the pages of Mr Solomon's charter and given them my attention only because I am all too painfully aware how little he and others like him know about the subject on which they speak.

An excellent reply.
I do not know what more can one add to that except say:

Sir, I am proud & glad to have you, a pundit like yourself on my side. What an honour.

Thank you once again

I have no television now for around 18 years and sometimes profit the generosity of friends but guess what I do not miss the
trash, crass outlet one bit but can manage to send funds to vaccinate kids in Asia; Doctors World Wide, my silent angels & heroes, plant olive trees in my beloved Palestine and have got extremely rich: KNOWLEDGE my dear is a powerful weapon.

At 31 January 2007 at 13:08, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought I would share this with you:

a guest: Africana
Dear Professor Cole,

I find it disgusting and totally unacceptable your use of the word “fatwah”. By using the word fatwa is this “kosherwood” manner you are bringing the Islamic beliefs to the obscene level of the Islamophobes and I take great offence at that. You claim to be an expert of the religion of Islam and I would have expected you to show “this great expertise” but it is not to be found.

A fatwah or religious edict in Islam is not the mere expression of an opinion by an individual or a group, it is a well researched and referenced argument requiring the same level of scrutiny of source texts and precedents as a judgment passed in a court of law.
While I would not under any circumstances give that ignoramus psychopath in the evil house, rightly named satan, the benefit of doubt, you would do well to at least study the religion of Islam before wanting to use Islamic words to describe a vile bestial moron, whose regards for the laws of his country & international rules is non-existent.

I would suggest that you either read or consult normal simple Muslim, (really experts is a terminology much abused) like:
Dr Sahib M Bleher
general secretary
Islamic Party of Britain

-- Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleher is a German living in England, a Muslim and a pilot - in the oppressive neo-fascist climate of today, this means walking a tight rope. And it requires speaking out. He has done so through articles, pamphlets and books, many of which are available via his FlyingImam web site which you can visit at FlyingImam.com.

Or read:
EU Charter of misunderstanding Muslims
At least you will have a good laugh. I was roaring with laughter at:
Here is Chutzpah par excellence. The only missing ingredient is that Mr Solomon might want to be appointed to Chief Mufti of all European Muslims and put in charge of a new revised edition of the Qur'an acceptable to his taste

I find all the pointless analysis a waste of time because the US went to vulgar obscene level to get the mad COWs (the coalition of Willing Killers by the horrendous dummy did a runner fled, I admit that I absolutely hated him from the first moment) but than you question the family & religious loyalty of the Iraki Shia to the Iranian Shia, Irak with Kerbala, Najaf the Sammara mosque – all important to Shia, Irak has always been a Holy Land to Shia? Even the Sunni Muslims participate in Ashura.
How absurd!

I suggest another great read, both the above articles are from a great site: Mathaba News Highlights
How To Become a Media Expert By Harris Brio

Or How To Become a Zionist Historian 18

At 31 January 2007 at 22:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful article on the rense site. It is so true and incisive, I am absolutely giddy at the prospect of the evil Zionist masters finally being exposed and deposed. They are masters of history and true evil masters of time and knowledge as a result, they will soon fall as is wont to happen to all evil in the end. I humbly and anxiously await such a beautiful day!

At 3 February 2007 at 18:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said:
"A fatwah or religious edict in Islam is not the mere expression of an opinion by an individual or a group, it is a well researched and referenced argument requiring the same level of scrutiny of source texts and precedents as a judgment passed in a court of law."

So you agree and support Osama bin Laden's fatwah against the USA?

At 7 February 2007 at 00:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe it.
Absolutely unbelievable!
Where can this 'Charter' be found?
How come nobody has publicly had an arse kicking for this. Would love to see that!

At 7 March 2007 at 12:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the reason gp can't find out much about sam solomon is because having converted from islam to christianity he has a load of fatwahs calling for his death...

At 7 March 2007 at 12:30, Blogger Mustaqim said...

Those alleged death threats are as much of a red herring as the name Sam Solomon which is not his real name. You can't exactly send out a hit squad against someone who doesn't exist, and Sam Solomon doesn't exist, well, at least not under that name. It's telling though, anonymous, that a Muslim convert to Christianity feels the need/urge to adopt a Jewish name - maybe it's intended to enhance credibility for someone suffering from a severe inferiority complex?

At 16 March 2019 at 17:13, Blogger HJA said...

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Jumma Mubarak images


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