William Blake's words "Till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land" have always been a feature of Labour party conferences, and with exception of a brief "Things can only get better" in 1997 New Labour has not abandoned this imperialist anthem. The hymn was written at the end of the period which saw the re-admission of Jews from Amsterdam, there stronghold until then, into England, where they changed the course of its history by establishing themselves as a banking dynasty. Their friend Cromwell engineered civil war in Britain and pushed for the execution of the monarch Charles I. When his Dutch grandson William of Orange was finally made King as a result of the "Glorious Revolution" where the Tories and the Whigs (the forerunners of the Labour party) united to subvert the state, their victory was complete and the imperial oppression of Ireland and Scotland began in earnest. The hymn was part of the spin of the time, selling the new ideas to the people who naturally took their time in adjusting to the new political realities.
Soon after Nathan from the Rothschild family (the name was adopted by the family as the German word for the Red Shield that adorned the family crest in Germany to display the communist revolutionary credentials of East European Jews) ventured into England and consolidated the dynasty's hold over British imperial finances with fortunes made in the war against Napoleon as well as the American Civil war, which they entered to stop Lincoln from standing up to the new international bankers (or locusts as they are now called in Germany) by issuing his Greenback dollars. Not long after Benjamin Disraeli became the first Jewish prime minister of Britain. Yet another century later, after the devastation of the First World War, Britain became instrumental in laying the foundation for the State of Israel with the Balfour declaration.
This history is important so as not to loose perspective. More recent history may give the impression that the Rothschilds left it to the Rockefellers to champion the cause of Zion through the UN they sponsored and through their strong influence upon the American government on account of their banking and oil interests. The Neocon agenda which brought as the Afghan and Iraq wars, together with the clamp-down on liberalism and Guantanamo Bay, lifted the lid on years of subversion and brought out into the open even for those refusing to see how close American and Israeli interests were tied together. In the face of the American cowboys riding rough shot all over the world, whilst adjusting their tough image through politically correct cinematic propaganda a la Brokeback Mountain, it is easy to assume that the British Empire has taken a back seat since it lost all its colonies. Yet, although the British industry has been bankrupted quite a while ago, the City of London still sits at the helm of international money manipulations.
It seems that as America is loosing its credibility and muscle, Britain is re-entering the fold. Just like Tories and Labour joined ranks at home, the British and the Americans (the administrations, not the people) stood shoulder to shoulder. There are questions whether Britain is really the junior partner in this enterprise. The British know the art of understatement and subterfuge. We do things differently over here. When we take people's rights away, we do so in order to protect them. We have our own anomaly of detainees being held without charge or trial, and Belmarsh prison has just been heavily criticised for the way it treats them, but it has never gained the same kind of notoriety as Guantanamo. Our leading political parties and our government are run by the same Zionist neocons, but they do not wear their allegiance openly. The shoot-to-kill policy, taught by the Israelis, which ended Brazilian Menezes' life early on the London underground, is quietly being made the rule without much discussion. It's not the policy that's wrong, says the Association of Chief Police Officers, it's just some technical aspects of its implementation. Nobody queries how this policy came into being without having ever been put to scrutiny. In Britain, they like to do things quietly and behind closed doors.
In the department of Jewish Foreign Secretary Jack Straw Daniel Bethlehem, QC, erstwhile an advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, has just been appointed as Chief Legal Advisor. He justified the Jenin massacre and the apartheid wall. He will have no qualms about recommending another illegal enterprise like the Iraq war, maybe British support for a unilateral Israeli strike against Iran, and the government's crusade against all things Muslim is likely to continue. With Prescott's wild house building adventure England may soon no longer be green and pleasant, but Jerusalem continues to dominate its political agenda.