Thursday, February 15, 2024

Palestine after Gaza – Reality check primer


Whilst the world watches Palestinians dying and being maimed daily, politicians and the media keep talking, warning of an impending humanitarian catastrophe as if that was not already the case. Meanwhile, the extermination policy pursued by Israel continues. Part of the problem is the public disbelief that such large-scale destruction can ever be deliberate, and if so, they try to assign the blame to a single psychopath at the helm, Netanyahu. However, we are not dealing with a lone psychopath, we are dealing with a psychopathic mindset which has taken hold at almost all levels of the “civilisation” upheld by Pax Americana and of which the brutally naked variety displayed by Israel is only a more extreme version.

As outrageous as the slaughter is, the apparent inability or unwillingness of most to do something to stop it is even worse. The only way to explain this passiveness is to understand that those who are not members of the psychopathic elites are thoroughly conditioned to fear and obey them. Due to this uneven power relationship the narrative has also been severely skewed. This article is aimed to dispel some of the prominent misconceptions.

History did not start yesterday

Anybody who views the onslaught on Gaza as an “over-the-top” reaction to the jailbreak of 7 October 2023 has obviously not paid attention or fallen for Zionist propaganda. But even those who talk about 75 years of occupation miss the point that the colonising project did not start in Palestine in 1948. Nor did it start with the British Mandate after WW1 and the collapse of the Ottoman caliphate (well prior to the Holocaust usually cited as justification). In effect it started with the first crusades which were an organised scheme by the allegedly Christian West to enlist criminals and adventurers in order to conquer and plunder far-off lands, ejecting and eliminating their people. The entire European project and its prosperity is a spin-off of this campaign, later expanding through the European age of colonialism into the Americas, Australia, Asia and Africa. Israel is merely the last colonial project of a self-declared superior race who considered the rest of the world to be rightfully theirs to take.

A land without people for a people without land

A myth and slogan both Nazi Germany and Israel have in common besides many other commonalities. They may claim to need the land, to have been disadvantaged or persecuted. Yet, earlier trauma cannot become a free ticket to abuse. It is not unusual for the abused to become an abuser in turn, in which case he must be stopped. No historic suffering can justify the perpetration of genocide.

Conquerors rarely conquered empty wastelands. The only reason the land claimed by them ends up without people is because they removed them.

The Biblical promise

Those who argue that it is most unreasonable and irrational in today’s world for Israel to claim Palestine as their Biblical inheritance and birth right from millennia ago themselves miss the point: the majority of Israeli colonisers, whilst professing Judaism to some degree (the majority are secular) and speaking Hebrew, are not Israelites and have absolutely no connection to the land of Palestine. They are what Arthur Koestler called the 13th tribe[i], impostors from Eastern Europe who converted to Judaism for political convenience and then hijacked the cause of Judaism to the extent that even Jews of sound lineage (Sephardic or Oriental Jews) became marginalised. These people, the Khazar, are more than likely the dreaded Gog and Magog (Ja’juj and Ma’juj), Gog, son of Japeth, son of Noah, and his descendants. They were infamous for the damage they inflicted on their neighbours until Dhu-l-Qarnayn (Alexander the Great?) walled them in. They would breach that wall at a time when, according to the Qur’an, people would intermingle with each other like waves[ii]. Since their release, they have subverted every stratum of humanity. Zionism, the subjugation and plundering of all other peoples, is their ideology. Once we look at the history of the past thousand years from this perspective, things begin making sense, from the crusades, the knights templars, the Jesuits, the slave trade, exploitation through interest and the invention of fractional reserve banking, the industrialisation of labour (and everything else), to colonialism and never-ending wars.

A lone lunatic

For normal people who do not share the psychopathic mindset of Zionists, the pure evil of their actions is hard to comprehend. It is therefore easier to project this evil on just a few deranged personalities, such as Netanyahu. But he did not occupy the position he holds out of a vacuum. He has been put into this position by a society just as hateful and evil as himself. A society founded on the dehumanisation and destruction of the other, the forced displacement of the native population and the perpetual punishment of any remnants of them in order to prevent them from ever gaining independence or taking revenge. Israel is a state founded in inequity and has absolutely no chance of redemption unless it forfeits the Zionist claim of a chosen or superior people distinct from all the rest.

The right to exist

Of course, all people under God have a right to exist. Yet the apartheid state of Israel does not. A state which preaches and practices the utter destruction of its neighbours does not have that right. A state which elevates the killing of children and women and men and doctors and nurses and journalists and academics and any expression of culture other than their own to official policy does not have a right to exist. Nor does it have a right to “defend itself”, because it is the attacker, not the attacked.[iii]

The inherent weakness in the superiority complex

Like with any bully, Israel’s perceived strength is entirely dependent on others believing in it. Anybody who thinks themselves superior and invincible becomes out of touch with reality. This soon turns into an apparent weakness. The myth of Israel’s army as the most powerful in the Middle East was destroyed in a single day. The myth of its benign, democratic, moral credentials has been buried during the ongoing genocide. This weakness also translates to those who backed it unconditionally throughout its (in historical terms) brief history. The decline of Israel is a harbinger of the decline of the West as the leading power on the globe, but like a fish out of water it won’t die without flapping violently. The first casualty is the so-called “rules-based order”, the fig leaf by which Anglo-American enterprise gave itself a halo of respectability and legality when going on a killing spree abroad in order to plunder resources.

Greater Israel

Israel is not content with secure borders as many in the West naively believe. Nor does it want a sovereign Palestinian state at its borders. “Eretz Israel”, the “Land of Israel” extends well into Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and parts of Saudi-Arabia (Madinah).

The colonial mindset

The resistance in Gaza demonstrated in only a few months that Israel can easily be defeated and the land of Palestine can be liberated. Yet, at this weakest point in Israel’s history, nobody grasped the opportunity to deal with this cancer in their midst once and for all. Amongst the Arab nations only Yemen, arguably the poorest, itself ravaged by war, stood up for the Palestinians without compromise. Other resistance groups in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria helped take off some of the pressure. It suddenly becomes clear why the prophet of Islam, Muhammad peace be upon him, singled out the people of the Levant and of Yemen for special blessing at the end of times but not the Arabian heartland[iv].

It is apparent to both Israeli and non-Israeli analysts that Israel cannot survive a prolonged war. Even though they make large-scale use of mercenaries, my estimates are that almost ten percent of their armed forces have already been put out of action. A full-scale attack by Hezbollah would flatten Tel Aviv and the rest of the country. Turkey has a million men in arms ready at any time and advanced hardware. However, all they would have needed to do is to send an aid flotilla to the coast of Gaza flanked by warships and put NATO on notice that they expect the alliance to defend them if attacked by Israel, a non-member. There would be some inherent risk in this strategy, but if it failed to deliver aid it would blow the cover of NATO forever. The USA is already overstretched and cannot afford opening another front, be it with Turkey, Iran or with China (over Taiwan). Yet every country is holding back not realising, it seems, that if they allow the bully to get up and recover, he is coming for them next. One at a time.

All of the Muslim state actors colluded with Israel in one way or another, exposing their utter dependency on Israel’s backers. Whether it be Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, who are scared to lose their recent riches, or Egypt, heavily in debt to America and dependent on aid, these countries will not only fail to grasp the opportunity to rid themselves of a poisonous neighbour, they don’t even see the opportunity – they are like a caged dog waiting for daily rations. You open the door of the cage and he prefers to stay put.

The same logic explains why, with a few laudable exceptions, Muslims are also not at the forefront of direct action against Israeli colonialism and American imperialism.

Fair play and the two-state solution

The colonisers have a twisted idea of fairness: if they can’t get rid of you completely, they might be willing to share what is rightfully yours, at least for the time being. When a burglar takes over your house and locks you in the basement, justice does not consist in him reluctantly agreeing to let you run the basement following your own rules whilst he retains control of entry and exit points. The only viable solution is a one-state solution which will either be an oppressive Zionist state with few or no rights for others or a non-Zionist Palestinian state with equal rights for all.

International law

International law and the international community are only international in the sense that they are imposed globally, not however in a participatory sense or by way of equal application. This legal framework served the dominant power to demand total submission not only through force but also through entrapment within rules serving its own purpose in the name of freedom, democracy, human rights (all the way to imposing transgender anomalies as the new normal). The Covid pandemic made it abundantly clear that all nations on the globe were ruled by the same system, receiving their dictates from the same elite, notwithstanding whether they were right-leaning or left-leaning, communist or fascist. However, the Gaza genocide and tacit to outspoken Western support for it have exposed the hypocrisy of this rhetoric and, as Hezam Al-Asad, Ansarullah Political Bureau member of Ansaruallah in Yemen has been quoted, in response to America's claim that the seizure of a ship was a "flagrant violation of international law": "International law was killed in Al-Shifa Hospital, its remains scattered in Al-Rantisi Hospital, and buried under the rubble of Al-Maamadani Hospital."

Whilst using international law, as South Africa successfully did, to expose the hypocrisy of the “rules-based order” and, sometimes, force the beneficiaries of this order to abide by their own rules, the legal avenue alone will not bring about justice in the face of brute force.

Muslims (as well as most of other ordinary people) have been both physically and intellectually disarmed, asked to apologise for the concept of jihad (just war/resistance) whilst being at the receiving end of ongoing unjust wars. You cannot fight oppression using the toolkit of the oppressor, hence a liberation of the mind is first of all necessary.

Existential threats

Just as Israel wants to portray the fight against oppression as an existential threat, the global elite indoctrinates the world population with the threat of an imminent demise unless everybody surrenders to its mandates. Whilst struggling to survive the challenge they face in Palestine, they have not retreated elsewhere and continue to try to impose restrictions on the world population, handing ever more power to unelected world bodies, such as the World Economic Forum or the World Health Organisation. If the environmental crisis lobby was serious, they would not obsess with cow farts but prohibit the use of explosive weaponry. The Pentagon is, after all, the largest polluter on the planet[v]. As long as they keep dropping bombs, their apocalyptic warnings aimed at restricting the free movement of ordinary people even further, ring hollow.

[i] Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. London: Hutchison 1976

[ii] Al-Kahf 99

[iii] ICJ advisory opinion 9 July 2004

[iv] Narrated Ibn `Umar:The Prophet said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The People said, "And also on our Najd." He said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! And also on our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet said, "There (in Najd) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the horn of Satan." Al-Bukhari, Book of Afflictions.

[v] Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change and the Costs of War, Crawford, Boston University 2019


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