Friday, June 01, 2007

Tax freedom day

Today should be a public holiday. We should celebrate our partial freedom (or mourn our partial enslavement). Today (1 June) is tax freedom day in the UK, the day when we stop working to fill the coffers of government through taxation and begin working for our own benefit. The concept of Tax Freedom Day was developed and copyrighted in 1948 by Florida businessman Dallas Hostetler, who calculated it each year for the next two decades. He then transferred the copyright to the Tax Foundation who has calculated Tax Freedom Day for the United States ever since, using it as a tool for illustrating the proportion of national income diverted to fund the annual cost of government programs.

In the UK the Adam Smith Institute does the same since 1991 and established June 1 as tax freedom day for 2007, observing that the day is arriving later and later over successive years with the tax burden ever increasing through both direct taxes and stealth taxes. In some countries of Western Europe the situation is even worse. Germans work another extra month for the tax man before filling their own pockets, and in Sweden it is another two months until August, meaning the government takes more than Swedish workers receive themselves every year.

Government, once intended to be the servant of the people, has become their master. In turn, they serve the Mammon, or the financial industry, and are inventing every more subtle ways of squeezing a little more out of the working population in order to pay the interest on the national debt. This debt is totally unnecessary if the treasury created the nation's money supply instead of borrowing it from banks who, in turn, create it out of thin air.

The national debt is, of course, not the only yoke placed on hard working people. In addition, there is mortgate debt and consumer debt, extending the enslavement of the individual well beyond the tax freedom day marker. Added all together, we keep very littel of our hard earned money, if anything at all. Many people have to borrow in order to pay their taxes, demonstrating just how unsustainable the system heralded as market economy has become.


At 2 June 2007 at 20:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Dr Mustaqim when you say: 'Government, once intended to be the servant of the people, has become their master. In turn, they serve the Mammon, or the The financial industry, and are inventing every more subtle ways of squeezing a little more out of the working population in order to pay the interest on the national debt. This debt is totally unnecessary if the treasury created the nation's money supply instead of borrowing it from banks who, in turn, create it out of thin air.'

You have, in fact, posited a moral imperative to the role of government. I think, it certainly is a noble and worthwhile postulate. However, I am also aware that the rulers (mandated by the elections, party system, parlimantary democracies) are the real protectors of 'particular interests' in capitalist system. The capitalist system exists and operates on the basis of the exploitation of the working classes, everywhere. Those who produce surplus value in a State are marginalised and the ruling elite find a way to to serve the interests of the capital.

When the workers, the oppressed and the marginalised develop political awareness about how they are exploited and how the capitalist system deceives them, they will seek ways to change and challenge the established pattern of their exploitation and domination.

At 4 June 2007 at 08:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been studying the Talmud recently and one view held within it, is that the Goyim (Gentiles and non Jews), do not own any property of their own, only Jews own it.

As you also know the practice of Usury (charging Interest on loans)according to the Jewish Rabbis is only encouraged against non Jews.

At 6 June 2007 at 20:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings Mustaquim and all sane users of this blog,

Yes the con only continues to exist because the bankers have made sure they control the media, who lie to us and offer nonsense to debate or consider, whilst they distact the mass's they've dumbed down through their institutions they have the cheek to call schools.

The Talmud, Protocols, Communist manifesto and any other new fangled clap trap is all the same, with the same result, which lends me to believe, this Usuary trap must have played some role in the fall of empires throughout the ages, i could be wrong there, but it would not surprise me.

This Judao Facist system must be exposed for what it is and those who seek to crush the populous like the Boa, must be sent packing to whence they came to live amongst themselves....And that has nothing to do with the lie,that says Palastine is their ancestral home.

However, Putin the Christian and uniter of the Russiam Orthodox Church after 80 years, may not want to see those theiving Oligarch's return after he's just got rid of the blighters!

I read a little while back that the banks were concerned that at least 8 million UK citizens were not using their facilities, ie credit card, for reasons such as bad credit ratings, unemployment etc and propose to change that and i think they'd need to, if they want to have this cashless society and eveyone totally enslaved.

As for those young people who are forced to take up such ridiculously sized mortgages, i fear they, the bankers will say "Shalom it's time to pull up the draw bridge again" and wreck a few lives.

Maybe they'll just increase the rates a bit, then on the sly bring in some more stupid work initiatives, which everyone knows is soooo stupid, but for fear of losing a job workers will gruging implement a policy which is anti human, hence the strangle hold on a people continues.

What we need is our own media, failing that, then we must put out the dvd's, cd's and inform of the web sites that tell this truth and perhaps, as sure as grass grows, the usual will happen and the mass will awaken.


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